This month was so much fun and packed with several memorable experiences. Some to note include going to the Billie Eilish concert, joining an intramural volleyball team with a few of my classmates and some old friends from undergrad, Pelicans game, and of course all of the Mardi Gras events. I went to a tailgate event at the Jazz Museum before the Krewe du Vieux parade which had tons of local food vendors and fun activities. My favorite parades were Krewe du Vieux, which I attended with several classmates, and then Bacchus and Hermes. 

For service this month, I volunteered to make Valentine's Day goodie bags for students at Roots of Music. We had a nice assembly line going and made over 100 bags with some candy and trinkets to be given to the kids for the special day. It was so cool to learn about this organization and the resources they provide to local children. Their mission listed on their website states:  The Roots of Music empowers the youth of New Orleans through music education, academic support, and mentorship while preserving and promoting the unique musical and cultural heritage of our city.  Our goal is to provide our kids with the resources they need to lead positive, productive, self-reliant lives." I am such a lover of music and admire the way that it has the ability to bring people together and change lives, especially in a city where music is heavily integrated in the culture. 

The past Neurology module was definitely my favorite from the program as a whole. I felt like I had a lot of good background knowledge on the topics we covered, such as opioids and addiction, from my psychopharmacology class I took in undergrad. I also took a class called  "Neurobiology of Memory and Learning," which related to what we've learned about Alzheimer's and it was interesting to expand my knowledge on that, especially since I have had family members with the disease. It's upsetting to realize we just have 1 more module left and that the program is coming to an end, but I am eager to make the most of the rest of the semester. 

February Hours: 2         Total Semester Hours: 2


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