After close to two months out of the classroom and being on break, I am so excited to be back in class tomorrow and see my fellow peers and professors! My holiday break was extremely relaxing and enjoyable spending time with family. It was disappointing that the rise of Covid pushed us back online but hopefully things will be better for the rest of the semester. I was not able to get in any service this month but I am looking forward to continuing to help out at Covenant House. After reading other classmates blogs, I also want to get involved with American Red Cross or the local farmer's market. I enjoyed our last endocrinology module and am really excited for this current reproductive mini module. I took a behavioral endocrinology class my senior year at Tulane with Dr. Dohanich (who was the professor that introduced me to psychopharmacology and how I found this program!) but I was fascinated by the topic. So a lot of what we have learned so far has been super interesting to me. In my free time, I have been really dedicated to exercise, including weight lifting and walking, as well as starting a 30 day yoga challenge. I also love cooking new recipes, reading, playing ukulele and getting outside as much as I can (especially when there is a pretty sunset). The weather has not been too great lately but today was a nice sunny day so John and I went to Audubon park to walk and then write our blog posts. 

January Hours: 0     Semester Hours: 0


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